The theme that our team addressed was parasitic houses, which can connote both new buildings that are stuck on top of existing houses and houses that are tiny compared to the houses in the neighborhood. So, with our priorities in mind, the basis of the whole project became 'modular housing .'For the initial implementation of the project, we selected five different locations in Brno, namely Bayerova (private ownership, combination of a loophole and housing over garages); Černopolní (city ownership, garages); Hybešova (extension, city ownership); Novobranská (future city ownership, loophole); Tyršův sad (extension). On the basis of our analyses, we decided to fill the city with modular buildings, simple to build and demolish or rebuild, variable and at the same time ecological and design. The structure is skeletal, consisting of steel HEB profile columns spaced three meters apart. We have designated a 3x3 meter module as the primary module, which can be freely combined with other modules just as the parasites do. We derived the module from the car parking garage.

With the minimal size of the modules, we are able to connect to almost any existing development. ”Parasitism is a way of coexistence between two organisms in which one organism (the parasite or alien) uses the other organism (the host). The parasite may feed on the host's tissues (without trying to kill it) or feed on the host's food, or otherwise profit from the host organism.